Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What's your rush?

When I first started getting really into nutrition and fitness I read a ton of interviews with professional fitness competitors for inspiration. One of the things that always stuck with me that seemed to be a recurring theme was the idea that changing your body is not an overnight deal. Many of these people took YEARS to get to where they wanted to be and despite having what the average person would consider "perfect" physiques, they STILL strive to better themselves on a daily basis. When you consider how long they have been working toward their goals, it may seem like a long time to wait to be able to see the rewards for your discipline and hard work. But not if you look at it from the right perspective - the perspective that the best of the best see it from. 

Sept. 2010
They have perfected what is known as "enjoying the process." They don't see watching their diet or going to the gym as just a means to an end. They aren't expecting to wake up tomorrow and suddenly be at their goal. They have respect for the fact that IT IS A PROCESS.

It is those that don't fully understand this who fail. You know the ones I'm talking about. Hell, you might even be one of the ones I'm talking about (no worries, I was that person for a long time, too!) The ones who've tried all the shortcuts, all the fad diets, all the bandwagon exercise programs...and failed. Failed because they expected to bypass the discipline, effort and time that it takes to achieve real, long-lasting results.  

May 2011
We live in a society where everything is on the fast track. We don't have the patience to wait long for our internet connection, our coffee at Starbucks OR our fitness/nutrition plan to yield results. But, the harsh reality is, that in the long run, it's the only way. Sure, you could do a cleanse that promises you that you'll drop 20 lbs in a week, or you could live on carrot sticks and celery to fit into a smaller size for an upcoming event. You could eat pre-packaged meals that come in the mail and drop a good amount of weight. But what exactly do you think will happen when you go back to eating normal food after that? You know the answer because it's probably happened to you or someone you know: you gain it right back. Then you're back at square 1.
June 2012

The aforementioned methods of weight loss are pretty miserable ways of life, if you ask me - so why would you want to put yourself in a position to have to go through it again??? Your best bet? LEARN THE PROPER WAY TO EAT/EXERCISE, PUT IN THE EFFORT, AND BE PATIENT! Instead of yo-yo'ing back and forth from pants size to pants size for the rest of your life, going from one extreme to another, you could see REAL results and be able to maintain them long-term.

***Believe me, I understand the urge to want immediate results, I do, really. But I promise if you take the path less traveled - the one fewer people are willing to take the time to walk down - you will see results that those who bypassed this path are not able to achieve. So, what's your rush? You have the rest of your life to become a little bit better each day. :) ***
March 13, 2013
It's been a long journey, and it's not over yet...
and I'm totally cool with that. <3

Thursday, March 7, 2013

10 Minute Chicken Chili

When you work 4 days a week, go to the gym 6 days a week, have a 2 year old, a hubby, and a house to take care of, finding time to make healthy home cooked meals can be quite the challenge. Luckily I've never been one to back down from a food challenge. I've mentioned many times before that I prepare my meals at least a day in advance for the days I will be working and out of the house. Except dinner...sometimes. For some reason I still haven't quite mastered setting up for dinner on the nights when I will be working late...especially this past month, since we've been fridge-less and living out of a cooler. So two nights a week, when I work late, by the time I pick up Little Girl and get home it's approaching 8:00 and my stomach is usually growling. I don't know about you guys, but when I'm hungry, I seem to fire on a few less brain cells and trying to sort out what to make and how to go about making it I said earlier, challenging. Some nights I give up and decide on some configuration of scrambled eggs. But other nights I have ground chicken sitting in the cooler on the floor of my kitchen that will go bad if I don't figure out how to use it...and on those nights...those are the nights that things like 10 Minute Chicken Chili are born.

I will warn you, if you are a gourmet chef this recipe may offend you with it's simplicity, but understand that it was not intended for you. This recipe is intended for those who've found themselves in a jam, without the time, patience or energy to chop, peel, simmer or saute and need to get some macros in them fast! :)

10 Minute Chicken Chili

You Will Need:
1 lb Ground Chicken (I get 98% Fat Free)
1 can Red Kidney Beans, (I prefer Reduced Sodium) drained and rinsed well 
2 8 Oz cans Tomato Sauce 
Onion Powder
Garlic Powder
Ground Cumin
Chili Powder
Cooking Spray

1. Spray pan and brown the Chicken in a pan on medium heat.
2. While that's cooking, drain and rinse the beans really well to remove excess sodium.
3. Once the chicken is cooked through, add the beans and both cans of sauce and lower heat to low-med.
4. Start adding spices one at a time - my advice is to do each by your taste preference because let's be're in a rush and you're hungry. You could measure, but ain't nobody got time for dat. ;)
5. Let simmer for a few minutes (or as long as your grumbling stomach can hold out!) and dig in!

This recipe will make 4 servings. The macros will vary depending on the ingredients you choose. You may substitute the chicken for ground beef or turkey and customize and add whatever flavors you like and what you have time for!
Nutritional Facts: (as I said, they will vary depending on what you use!)
Calories: 245
Protein: 29 grams
Carbs: 29 grams
Fat: 1.5 grams